Manage groups and members on the Crodeon Dashboard

Manage groups and members on the Crodeon Dashboard
Vandijk Technics uses Reporter for temperature registration in cold rooms
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Capteur de mesure du niveau d'eau dans un conteneur ou un puits
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Using a weather station on your construction site
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Une irrigation durable avec un système de surveillance de la consommation d'eau
Surveillance de toits verts

The Crodeon Dashboard goes hand in hand with Reporter. Every button that you could want to push, every setting that you want to alter: you'll find it on the Dashboard.

In this manual we'll help you manage your groups and users on the Crodeon Dashboard.

Manage groups

As a user you can have access to different groups on the Crodeon Dashboard. Each group can have multiple Reporters linked to it. It is important to note that the group level settings apply to all Reporters and users in this group.

Add a group to the Crodeon Dashboard

There are two ways to create a new group on our Dashboard. The first option is by following the Claim your Reporter flow and the second option is by clicking on the "Add group" button on the left side of your screen on the home page.

Remove a group from the Crodeon Dashboard

  1. Navigate to your group overview page.
  2. Ensure that there are no Reporters assigned to this group.
  3. Locate the group you wish to remove and click on the three dots located to the right of the group name.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select "Remove group".
  5. Enter your group's name in the provided field.
  6. Finally, press the delete button to confirm and remove your group.

Manage users

Add an user

1. Check with your customer or colleague if they have already created an account on the Crodeon Dashboard.

2. Create a new group if necessary or go to your group.
3. Click on the three dots to the right of the group name:
  • Select “Edit members”
  • Fill in the e-mail address of the new group member
  • Choose the access level
  • Press “Add member”

When your customer or colleague logs in again, they will have access to their new group

add new member to group on Crodeon Dashboard

Remove an user

Go to your group where you want to remove a member. Click on the three dots next to your groups name and press "Edit members". Go down and remove a member by clicking on the dustbin.

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