How to make IoT truly accessible to everyone

How to make IoT truly accessible to everyone
Green Wall Monitoring: Why your vertical garden needs smart garden sensors
How is Reporter powered?
Tempêtes et échafaudages : les stations météorologiques pour renforcer la sécurité des chantiers de construction
Capteur de mesure du niveau d'eau dans un conteneur ou un puits
Sumaq, fan de la simplicité de Reporter
Protection des fleurs d'arbres fruitiers contre le gel
Alerte aux intempéries sur votre chantier
Système de surveillance et d'alerte en temps réel contre le gel
Prévenir Pseudomonas syringae dans les arbres fruitiers
Stockage frigorifique des fleurs coupées avec surveillance de la température
Module de capteurs IoT avec tracker GPS
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Utilisations de l'API Crodeon
Une station météorologique avec API
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Surveillance environnementale facile pour salle serveur
Steen Vastgoed et Reporter, un duo à toute épreuve !
FKT et Reporter : match en chambre froide
Une station météorologique avec plusieurs capteurs
Un détecteur de panne de courant pour votre chantier
Mesure combinée de la pression et de la température
Using a weather station on your construction site
Analyse du climat des toitures
Une irrigation durable avec un système de surveillance de la consommation d'eau
Surveillance de toits verts
Industrial odour monitoring with a weather station
L'impact du niveau des nappes phréatiques sur les fissures et les dégradations des bâtiments
Appareil IoT 4G et alimenté à l'énergie solaire : Reporter révolutionne la surveillance à distance
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Surveillance du traitement thermique dans les conteneurs de fret
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A dew point sensor for remote monitoring
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Suffocation et intoxication au CO2 des porcs
Surveillance du vent et mesure de la vitesse du vent
Halal HACCP: temperature monitoring in a factory
What is dew point?
Why you should monitor relative humidity in curing concrete
Monitoring archive temperature and relative humidity
Weather monitoring: measuring wind at a festival site

The Internet of Things (IoT) was going to change the world. We would find wireless sensors in every object and every aspect of our daily life. Especially in business operations IoT promised to be a revolution that would help companies to operate more efficiently. We passed the peak of the IoT hype cycle, as illustrated in Google Trends, so we can say that IoT is slowly becoming mature.

Internet of Things hype cycle

Many projects have successfully been delivered, but we all thought it would have gone faster, didn't we? Still too often we spot inefficiencies that make us think "Wasn't IoT going to solve this?". What's causing this?

What is preventing massive adoption of IoT?

The problem is not the price of the hardware. Sensors, IoT modems and data loggers have dropped massively in price over the past ten years. The Internet of Things hardware market is gradually becoming mature. The days where you'd pay thousands of euros for a couple of sensors and a gateway are long gone. Market leaders such as Honeywell and Sensirion but also startups and scaleups like MaxBotix have introduced highly affordable low power sensors that used to cost hundreds of euros in the past.

The price of connectivity is no issue either. Nowadays hundreds of operators and virtual operators offer global SIM connectivity for IoT. They are on a race to the bottom of which we haven't seen the end yet. Today, even for low volumes and demo projects you can get worldwide 4G connectivity on the cheap.

If hardware and connectivity have become so affordable, then why aren't we seeing sensors in every single corner of the world? Why are many companies, small and large, not fixing some of the most obvious inefficiencies in their daily activities? Over the past seven years, at Crodeon we got to the bottom of this problem. We discovered that companies of all sizes struggle with small IoT applications and proof of concept (PoC) projects all for the same reason: These projects are not profitable because of the cost of overhead and manual work.

Let me explain. Imagine you're a manager looking for a way to track the level of a water tank in a remote location. Google is your friend and in no time, you'll find 10 possible suppliers who can help you with a combination of hardware, software and integration services. This is where the overhead starts. You can request quotes and get bombarded with questions about volumes, MOQs, platforms, APIs and connectivity. Given the limited size of you project, you get discouraged and give up. "Never mind, we'll just keep visiting the water tank regularly", you conclude.

If you do manage to push through and purchase some hard- and software, it often turns out there's still a massive amount of manual work waiting to be done before you can go live. Especially when this work is technical, it becomes a real hurdle. You wouldn't be the first project manager to end up with something on your shelf that you once purchased but haven't yet managed to get installed.

Whether you're a small business owner or a project manager at a large corporation, if your project is small, the amount of effort you can afford to do is limited. Unfortunately for this reason many of these small projects are being abandoned in Europe today. Many PoC projects could be the start of a large scale implementation if they succeed.

How Crodeon makes IoT affordable

At Crodeon we are on a mission to solve this problem to the core. We eliminate the overhead and manual work that comes with choosing and installing a wireless sensor project. We offer a sensor device named Reporter® and a sensor lineup from renowned third party manufacturers. Reporter® is shipped with an established cloud connection to the Crodeon Dashboard, our cloud platform. The sensors are 100% plug & play compatible which means you connect them to your Reporter® and the data appears online. 100% plug & play means the sensors are automatically discovered by Reporter® and the cloud platform is automatically displaying what the user has plugged in.

crodeon sensors

That's how we get rid of overhead and manual work. Your project goes live within 5 minutes of you receiving your hardware in the mail. Purchasing your first Reporter® is easy as well. Just browse our shop and select the sensors of your choice. No need to think about which Reporter® you need because there's only one model. One size fits all.

Thanks for reading! Get in touch if you're thinking about your next sensor project. We're always looking for partners, distributors and sensor manufacturers to team up with. Let me know if our technology can be of service.

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