Preventing frost damage in a cactus greenhouse

Preventing frost damage in a cactus greenhouse
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A cactus is vulnerable to low temperatures and frost. If you're keeping cacti in a greenhouse where frost might occur, make sure to install a reliable remote monitoring solution to keep your plants safe at all times. By preventing frost damage in cacti, you'll be sure to grow and sell your collection year after year.

Monitoring a cactus greenhouse

As cacti are generally not cold-hardy plants, they need a little bit of extra protection in colder climates. To protect your beloved collection during a harsh winter, it is wise to take your plants inside.

Monitoring light for cacti

Cacti (and other succulents) need an abundance of light. When they receive insufficient light, the plants become thin and etiolated. This decreases both the aesthetic appeal of the plants and their health. A long but thin cactus is unable to support its own weight. Sickly-looking cacti will decrease in value, making your sales drop as your plants become less appealing.

To prevent this from happening you could install a PAR sensor that measures the light intensity that your cacti receive.

Check soil moisture

The worst kind of water is too much water, when it comes to succulents that is. To prevent your cacti from being overwatered it would be a good idea to install soil moisture sensors. You'll be able to see in real time whether the plants received enough water or maybe even a bit too much!

The right humidity for your plants

The wrong percentage of humidity can cause an abundance of problems. Think spider mites, moulds and others that thrive in drier or wetter environments.

Monitoring temperature in a cactus greenhouse

One of our customers uses Reporter with a temperature sensor to measure and monitor temperatures in two sections of a cactus greenhouse. Using the built-in alarm setting our system offers, he can get an sms or phone call in case of a power outage or when the temperatures drop below a certain threshold. This warning system helps him prevent frost damage in the cactus greenhouse.

Preventing frost damage in cacti

Our customer was able to install the system himself in just 15 minutes. Most of the work is mounting the hardware to the wall and putting the sensors in the right place.

Connecting sensors to Reporter is as easy as can be, the plug & play system requires no technical knowledge. After you sign in on the app the data will appear immediately in the Crodeon Dashboard.

Contact us today if you want more information about monitoring a cactus greenhouse. Feel free to browse our webshop for an overview of the sensors that we offer.

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