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All in one weather sensor

All in one weather sensor

Regular price €199,00
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About the All in One Weather Sensor

A professional weather monitoring system can measure multiple parameters at the same time in one module: wind (average, peak and direction), rain, temperature (dry bulb, wet bulb and dew point) and relative humidity.

All data is transmitted through one cable which means that these weather sensors from Alecto use only one connector on your Reporter. Therefore there are still three connectors free for you to attach different sensors to, like a dendrometer, leaf wetness, soil moisture, solar radiation etc.

When speaking about weather monitoring most people are looking to measure parameters like wind, rain, temperature and humidity. All of these measurements are included in the weather sensor. Additionally, when using Reporter as your sensor module, you can even stream your data live to the cloud.

Reporter uses the Crodeon Dashboard, a cloud platform that grants you access to your data 24/7. Here you can change all the settings of your Reporter and consequently your sensors. Change the measuring interval or enable real-time alarm notifications.

These alarm notifications will be sent to your phone (SMS, call) or email to notify you that a set limit has been exceeded. For example if wind speed is too high, so you know to go to your research site to protect your equipment.

Weather monitoring sensors

Rain is measured by the rain sensor through a tipping bucket sensor and a measurement area of 96mm diameter. A tilt is 400 milliliters of rain per square meter.

Three factors are used to measure wind in this professional wind sensor: average wind speed, peak wind speed, and wind direction.

The Crodeon Dashboard calculates wind speeds based on the wind conditions that occur in between measurement points. The higher the measurement interval, the more frequently the wind speeds will be calculated and updated. These wind speeds are calculated by using the average and maximum speeds recorded during the measurement interval.

There are 30sec, 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 1hour, and 2 hours intervals as options.
16 stages are used to measure wind direction: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.

The on-board Sensirion SHT30 sensor chip in this weather sensor measures humidity and temperature (wet bulb, dry bulb, and dew point). You don't need to purchase additional sensors because the Sensirion SHT30 can measure all of these characteristics.

Download weather sensor datasheet.

weather sensor Crodeon

What makes the All in One Weather Sensor so unique?

Most weather sensors don't have the option to also use real-time monitoring and alarm notifications. When using Reporter as the sensor module for your professional weather monitoring system you can set alarm notifications that will notify you in real-time. This means that you can leave your professional project without having to worry about wind, temperature, rain or humidity. When something happens you'll be notified immediately which gives you the chance to go out and protect your equipment, plants etc.

Construction sites, orchards or vineyards, farms, green roofs or walls, they can all be monitored by Reporter when you use our weather sensor.

Installation of weather sensors

  • Make sure the all in one weather sensor is mounted on a stable surface or pole. It should not be able to wobble.
  • For accurate data it is recommended to install the sensor at a height of more than 2m above the ground. 
  • The "N" indicated arrow should point to the north.
  • The spirit level should be level.

Read the complete guide on how to install your sensor here.

Technical specifications

Brand Alecto
Weight 636 g
Height 390 mm
Width 340 mm
Depth 140 mm
Cable length 5 m
Accuracy 0,5°C / 3% RH
Resolution 0,1°C / 1% RH

Are you looking for a complete weather station instead of just a professional wind sensor? You might be looking for our Weather Kit Basic. The Weather Kit Basic includes a solar panel and Reporter. This set contains everything you need to get started.

Crodeon weather station

Professional weather monitoring system FAQ

What sensors are on a weather monitoring station?

A complete set of weather sensors usually consists of a rain sensor, a temperature and humidity sensor, and a professional wind sensor (a wind vane and an anemometer).

Which sensor is used for weather?

To measure and monitor weather the easiest sensor to use is the all in one weather sensor that measures different temperatures, humidity, rain and both wind speed and direction.

Which sensor is used to detect weather?

A weather sensor like the Crodeon professional weather monitoring system is used to register changes in wind, rain, temperature and humidity.

What is the price of weather sensor?

The price of a sensor used for weather monitoring can greatly differ. A sensor of €1000 is nothing strange. This however doesn't mean that more affordable options aren't available or that those work less well. All in one weather sensors of €200 are readily available. Take the Crodeon sensor for weather monitoring for example.

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    All Crodeon sensors are plug & play compatible with your Reporter. Browse our shop and select the sensors, accessories and Reporters of your choice, or choose one of the pre-composed kits that match your needs.

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    Reporter® requires a subscription of €180 /year to operate. Add this package to your cart when checking out. The subscription covers things like connectivity and use of the Crodeon Dashboard. Kits already include a 1 year subscription. Contact us if you only need the sensors without connectivity.

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